segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010

How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?
How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of?
Oh no, oh no
How can I have feelings when I don't know if it's a feeling?
How can I feel something if I just don't know how to feel?
How can I have feelings when my feelings have always been denied?
Oh no, oh no

You know life can be long
And you got to be so strong
And the world is so tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough

How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love when I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love when love is something I ain't never had?

Oh no, oh no

John Lennon

domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.I attach no importance to life. I attach no importance to life.

I do not matter to life.

If only I could

Se ao menos pudesse dizer-vos que não.
Destruir os muros ou elevá-los tão alto ao ponto de me deixarem de ver.
Se calhar já o fiz, se calhar foi de próposito, pode ter sido sem querer.
Se pudesse, ao menos, acabar com as expectativas
Com as ideias feitas, com as projecções, com a minha vontade sobrehumana de não desiludir, nem iludir.
Se vos pudesse explicar que no meu tubinho de vidro já não cabe mais ninguém
O meu perímetro de segurança está demasiado cheio de mim, para mim
Para vós, não...Não é possível
Já não equaciono sequer a hipótese de sobreviver à base de relações humanas
Já não equaciono um futuro, uma década
Um presente continuado.

Não me é possível futurar nada mais que a próxima hora
Só me é possível continuar as minhas necessidades animais
De forma a existir, a respirar, no modo vegetal.
Não quero que tenham pena de mim, que se preocupem, que me queiram estabilizar
Não tenho ligações.
Eu repito, não tenho ligações.
Não há nada mais que uma península familiar a fazer os possíveis para me ligar ao mundo
A socializar-me, educar-me,
"Tira os cotovelos da mesa"
"Não quero ervilhas congeladas"

Não quero isso, não quero nada disso.

Vivo um intenso conflito interno entre tornar-me um ser:
humano, cosmopolita, sociável que se projecta e realiza
e um ser fechado nos confins da sua existência  blasfemando-se eremiticamente.

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010


"É natural que quem quer «elevar-se» sempre mais, um dia, acabe por ter vertigens. O que são vertigens? Medo de cair? Mas então porque é que temos vertigens num miradoiro protegido com um parapeito? As vertigens não são o medo de cair. É a voz do vazio por debaixo de nós que nos enfeitiça e atrai, o desejo de cair do qual, logo a seguir, nos protegemos com pavor.
O cortejo das mulheres nuas em torno da piscina, os cadáveres no carro funerário a manifestarem o seu contentamento por Tereza também estar morta, são o «por baixo» que a apavora, de onde já fugiu uma vez, mas que também a atrai misteriosamente. As suas vertigens: ouvir um suave (e quase alegre) apelo que a incita a renunciar ao destino e à alma. É o apelo à solidariedade das desalmadas. Nos momentos de desespero, tem vontade de lhe responder e de voltar para a mãe. Tem vontade de fazer retirar da ponte do seu corpo a tripulação da alma; de descer e de se sentar com as amigas da mãe e rir quando uma delas se peida ruidosamente; de desfilar nua com elas em torno da piscina e de cantar."

Milan Kundera

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

The Spectral Attitudes

I attach no importance to life
I pin not the least of life's butterflies to importance
I do not matter to life
But the branches of salt the white branches
All the shadow bubbles
And the sea-anemones
Come down and breathe within my thoughts
They come from tears that are not mine
From steps I do not take that are steps twice
And of which the sand remembers the flood-tide
The bars are in the cage
And the birds come down from far above to sing before these bars
A subterranean passage unites all perfumes
A woman pledged herself there one day
This woman became so bright that I could no longer see her
With these eyes which have seen my own self burning
I was then already as old as I am now
And I watched over myself and my thoughts like a night watchman in an immense factory Keeping watch alone
The circus always enchants the same tramlines
The plaster figures have lost nothing of their expression
They who bit the smile's fig
I know of a drapery in a forgotten town
If it pleased me to appear to you wrapped in this drapery
You would think that your end was approaching
Like mine
At last the fountains would understand that you must not say Fountain
The wolves are clothed in mirrors of snow
I have a boat detached from all climates
I am dragged along by an ice-pack with teeth of flame
I cut and cleave the wood of this tree that will always be green
A musician is caught up in the strings of his instrument
The skull and crossbones of the time of any childhood story
Goes on board a ship that is as yet its own ghost only
Perhaps there is a hilt to this sword
But already there is a duel in this hilt
During the duel the combatants are unarmed
Death is the least offence
The future never comes

The curtains that have never been raised
Float to the windows of houses that are to be built
The beds made of lilies
Slide beneath the lamps of dew
There will come an evening
The nuggets of light become still underneath the blue moss
The hands that tie and untie the knots of love and of air
Keep all their transparency for those who have eyes to see
They see the palms of hands
The crowns in eyes
But the brazier of crown and palms
Can scarcely be lit in the deepest part of the forest
There where the stags bend their heads to examine the years
Nothing more than a feeble beating is heard
From which sound a thousand louder or softer sounds proceed
And the beating goes on and on
There are dresses that vibrate
And their vibration is in unison with the beating
When I wish to see the faces of those that wear them
A great fog rises from the ground
At the bottom of the steeples behind the most elegant reservoirs of life and of wealth
In the gorges which hide themselves between two mountains
On the sea at the hour when the sun cools down
Those who make signs to me are separated by stars
And yet the carriage overturned at full speed
Carries as far as my last hesitation
That awaits me down there in the town where the statues of bronze
and of stone have changed places with statues of wax Banyans banyans.


Andre Breton

quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010

"(...) Comediants has been closely tied to what might be referred to as the festive spirit of human existence. All of our pagan, folk, religious and initiation ceremonies, rituals and creations celebrate the human being’s cyclical journey on Earth. Thus, our performances and shows go beyond the purely theatrical or musical, in a quest to reactivate the deep-seated festive roots that bind us together as a species and that connect us with the natural world that we form a part of."

terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010

Hoje fiz, finalmente, a depilação
Cortei, finalmente, as unhas
Penteei, finalmente, o cabelo
Pus, finalmente, creme nas pernas
Vesti, finalmente, umas cuecas dignas de senhora
Jantei, finalmente, à altura das horas e substâncias deste nome
Escovei (fio incluído), decentemente, os dentes
Tomei, finalmente, a pílula e as bombas da asma como indica a bula
Arrumei, finalmente, o meu quarto.

Uauuu, agora sim! Posso viver em sociedade

quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010


Merda da internet
Dos emails, do facebook, dos spams, do msn, do telemóvel
Merda da comunicação virtual sempre a lembrar-me que existo!

Eu não vos conheço vocês não me conhecem, nem estão interessados
Eu lembro-me todos os dias que existo (no espaço, pelo menos)
Descansem, que não passa um dia sem que me recorde disso.
Parem com esta merda
Deixem-me em paz:
A mutilar-me com os pequenos prazeres do mundo, com os desejos intrínsecos de mim e de todos nós.

Vão para o caralho que vos foda
E deixem-me ser anónima no anonimato em que viemos ao mundo!

quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Psychologist: The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right from wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore, his work - the garden sculptures, hairstyles and so forth - indicate that he's a highly imaginative... uh... character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call reality is radically underdeveloped.

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

O caracol

O caracol tapou bem os olhos

Com cera,

Meteu a cabeça no peito

E olha fixamente

Para dentro.

Em cima dele

A casca —

A sua obra perfeita

Que lhe mete nojo —

À volta da casca

O mundo,

O resto do mundo,

Disposto aqui e além

Segundo certas leis

Que lhe mete nojo —

E no centro deste

Nojo universal

Está ele —

O caracol,

De que sente nojo.

marin sorescu

tradução colectiva revista, completada e apresentada
por egito gonçalves
poetas em mateus
"Tudo o que faço ou medito
Fica sempre na metade.
Querendo, quero o infinito.
Fazendo, nada é verdade.

Que nojo de mim me fica
Ao olhar para o que faço!

Vontades ou pensamentos?
Não o sei e sei-o bem."

"O espelho dos pensamentos", Fernando Pessoa

segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2010

Female Psychaitrist: I'm going to show you a picture, and you tell me what that person might say.

Alex: Oh

Female Psychaitrist: Let's Begin

[Changes to a slide with two people looking at a peacock]

Female Psychaitrist: "Isn't the plumage beautiful?"

Alex: I'm supposed to say what the other person would say?

Female Psychaitrist: Yes, just tell me the first thing that comes to your mind.

Alex: Cabbages, knickers, It hasn't got A BEAK!

Female Psychaitrist: Good.

[Changes slides to a man climbing into a naked woman's bedroom]

Female Psychaitrist: "What do you want?"

Alex: No time for the ol' in-out, love. I've just come to read the meter!

Female Psychaitrist: Alright.

Alex: [laughs]

Female Psychaitrist: [Changes slide to woman handing bird eggs to a man] "You can do whatever you like with these.

Alex: Eggiweggs. I would like... to smash them. And pick them up, and THROW-

[moves injured arm]

Alex: OW! Fucking hell! So did I pass?